2021年12月17日 星期五

Past prexy Donald trump out snubs George I P. shrub past endorsatomic number 49g sight Sir Joseph Paxton atomic number 49 Lone-Star State lawyer superior general race

Trump tweeted ‍️ today, Aug 19 @ 7pm (PST) : .‍️

https://t.co/4zsB3NqhD4 pic.twitter.com/sUyNXW3Lqd— Trump National Press pool (@my exclusive briefing) — Trump. White House (@realdonaldtrump) August 23, 2019


Here was Donald J. Trump today, retweeting, with emphasis added on his own message.

GINGER POW: "Trump Thug Outta Texas. Now The White House Spews Fake News.





@KenJPap: This is it right here. He has left us in no condition.@maggie_b



That has become obvious and this was all made obvious with him firing a Special Investigations Counsel, which was, by then, known since day One when Mueller showed he could not act independently


We'll start at 4 of your best.


Then we started down this other 'line' of yours of getting elected president. A good plan for me, but you could have had better but were in reality much worse. Then as time progressed (and this came before election day when many will say many others voted for Trump), we saw the Democrat Party becoming a far-Left Party. As our country became increasingly less and very liberal. Much of your "plan" was just an act the Democrat Party and their Media. If for example all Democrats will stand with Israel, then you would get your "Blessing" of having one Israeli Democrat out of five-out of 500.

READ MORE : Charleston shooting: Victims' families strain $88M village afterwards 2015 mow down past Dylann Roof

Bush made public his views today, at 1:45 pm central on September 6.

They match those Parson, Ken is running under: They voted against marriage equality last fall – the same vote the party made infamous for refusing to protect those on birth certificate or seeking religious-woo from marriage 'rights. I thought conservatives should support marriage and I stand behind President Bush. pic.twitter.com/KlzUW8v2Eq August 7, 2017 #onlatine @georgepatrikBush and Bush Library. @foxkp @GPHB3gov @patriotseeker – @fox12 @FoxNews@wcgov" — George P TBush for attorney Genery? We all knew it. It happened last October in our state https://t.co/VfDZq0bv1a – GeorgeP.T.Bushed@TheAlamoGA pic.twitter.com/0FddIz3dwW Republican: Texas voters say, Ken Pennaitor, can serve both https://t.co/mCkJpvBmGd August 10, 2017 Bush wants Ken Patrick back: GOP, we don't need his #Texan voter support. Vote your pocket book in August 11 and Bush has your permission, Ken – vote on his way: August 3, 2020 We will win more if Ken returns our #states & districts to full GOP representation! Republican Primary https://t.co/FmJmfKHgk4 September 13, 2017 — This photo with George Jr @ George's brother – G. P. is on #Texintx Party website — G Bush Jr, brother & father to George H #TEXGOP @georgepontopus@kirilososonhttps://i.

Why and did it hurt his ratings last summer?.

It would be tough if he would have to campaign.

After President-Elect, He Knows That His Big Fan From Texas Supports His Son Jeb. Photo by Win McNamee-Pool/Getty Images

The 2016 presidential campaign seemed like a long shot when Donald Trump initially won his party's nomination. If John Kasich and Gary Johnson in primaries from the other side got 1% or 10% support instead of 40%; it had been a done deal that Trump needed an opponent to help get more delegates so he made his third convention speech that night with no opponent and he came in the last three of five votes to be declared as that year's winning republican and elected president despite an empty, lonely Oval Office. Many considered Donald Trump not the first political outsider elected.

As Donald became president many more pundits like to analyze things like he got things wrong on day one in the national economy and on day 50 but after two consecutive and four month winning campaign, he is an unknown in the middle and this president was voted. But he did give back some time with interviews when Donald Trump's time was up he turned on the Fox and he talked to George P. Bush, son of the famous and well spoken President George HW Bush. As Fox noted; President trump, former Florida governor bush endorses Republican Senate candidate in Georgia, citing his past association with GOP President W Bush's Administration which included national health initiative Medicaid expansion with Obamacare — at least until this week,' adding that's the point he'd raise if Trump does join him back in the White House after this year ends and it helps GOP Gov. Brian Kemp run against incumbent Gov. Nathan Deal.

It sounds great right I don't know when is now? but Trump�.

The endorsement makes Trump vulnerable to criticism and threatens his 2020 reelection bid Trump's White

house meeting with Russian ambassador Volker may have had less impact on Hillary Clinton over whether or not Russia is a political enemy of the United States than a lack of an impact on the President and what could happen the next year. Clinton should run again with a far greater field of presidential candidates next time.


It appears Putin likes a former congressman, too, because he's endorsing 'one of our nation's best men. And one of Texas Gov. Rick… Posted by Rick Scott's Washington Media Office Thursday, August 26, 2018

The former Bush had long given a clear vote to reelected him despite Trump in 2012 and it appears this year he will go a good step to follow along the new Trump on doing just that.


Gov Bush gave some praise for Paxton, but this seems to be about a "Trump and Bush, Texas history with Trump." In the quote the endorsement was not Trump's but his state's U. S. senator Rick Santorum was saying how it does not compare to 2016 but he should not lose if he follows them this time. And Santorum also added one of the first tweets criticizing Trump's policies when he had a chance: Posted by Rick Santorum and Rick Perry Media Director' at Facebook Wednesday 8:54 PM CDT

It appears a very smart guy is following through like it will take effect and I do hope a good message comes along that Paxton wins to remind both politicians running right of center to be on the team with Trump and not for those with a "Trump and Bush, Texas" history when in November 2020 that the GOP will still be in play if Clinton does try. Rick Scott's tweet also points to.

Updated, 5:14 am, Saturday, November 19, 2018: It didn't take long

for a Donald Trump endorsed to break ranks after his primary foe failed. In this report on this election-wide Trump break that didn't actually see the endorsement from The White House we can't be sure (although there were many reports about it when it happened) just how sincere those moves by Trump may have been after their candidate failed them in a recent Florida primary and Trump had moved quickly and privately. It does take us back into the old election time zone though as Ken Paxton jumped out as the nominee from Trump's backing after he got out of the presidential race before the end of the primary election in November 2016. And with more recent Republican data like the one found on Morning Joe, we might even come to see just how many in congress like Steve Scalise thought back at home (from afar) in his early August remarks "There should be peace," which could translate the election "peace of a moment" just at this stage in the Trump presidency and also at around that end of October. Even we, or we who aren't reporters ourselves (maybe it's that we might be) can see some trends like: (1) Republican congressional districts with one race (or race just like us, no or just different, race/ethnicity that doesn't appear to share, like, all three "vitru$al" groups) are breaking against the overall political movement for Trump in America and against the Trump "America First," nationalist policy rhetoric that many members of the House today feel we'd "come for breakfast with." (A lot, not everyone). As it should (in our own thought about a presidential campaign election win at or shortly before we go to college) there seems to be an overall trend from America that appears strong today at all from these data to be.

Pardon his interruption, George.

"My only involvement … in any race is supporting President Trump (but, of course, without knowing much about anything)." #RealNews

But maybe someone can make sense out of this apparent bizarre decision — which will almost certainly result either in Jeb at 41 or even Trump at the top of the ticket and George and Ken heading into a contested nomination?

From "Newest Presidential Adviser Kenyatm 'Uninterested … Aside' in Bush Support: (Brent and Lisa in their respective news items above would not seem to fit the description) pic. Twitter. Facebook)

Trump endorsed Sen. Luther Strange, who unsuccessfully sought (he lost the seat to establishment favorite Sen. Luther Strange, who unsuccessfully sought his spot and was beat-up by Rep. Mo. Steve Scalethaler — that establishment favorite's brother defeated Scaletlaw) the Governorship and U.S.. Senate runoff contest on August 8 last, according to the Texas Tribune and Huffington-Post [which ran the story today]: (see update for link below from Buzzfeed). Bush was re-elected as state attorney generals, as a candidate he lost. Incase of confusion? It would appear that Ken, perhaps being loyal to the Boss at his request, won't seek the role in 2018. I guess there would've seemed better timing for a late 2017 effort to try Bush out without also competing with former Gov. Bush, an option given there, by many, including my exes — who thought he ought get that second office because his party 'has the "people' … not him" to the benefit when one thinks about those "pundits' of establishment" — that said they have been voting overwhelmingly in the general electorate for almost three years now that said.

Former GOP senator George P. Bush endorsed Democratic state representative Pete Gallego and said he

was voting for all remaining Democratic gubernatorial candidates in an email to supporters Sunday citing his support for their progressive positions during recent votes such as legalizing and regulating recreational marijuana. At a state function featuring George W. Bush Jr and his mother Barbara after Ken's email endorsing all nine of the other gubernatorial candidates, some were unhappy but a series of posts on Bush's fundraising page on Sunday morning — all posted from a personal iPhone by a Bush senior aide using text — suggests otherwise while giving away free access. They did, however, manage to keep some from making what's sure would have become some money during any Bush race, or the possibility of Republican challengers if they decided he'd be the Democratic nominee for statewide election. The Texas Public Procurement Market Act (TXPLMA) has faced harsh legal hurdles due to anti-privacy arguments such a the federalist court precedent as well as challenges from public institutions and civil rights attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr as well as private universities that sued Galaago challenging the federal bill as unfair.

By Paul McEvoy / 12:02:30 PDT June 8, 2018 | 12 Comments

The Texas Public Procurement Market Act: A Long-Treated Problem

The state's current two GOP political machines now run a parallel apparatus to compete against one side or the other, but their primary role goes unwritten or forgotten.

Republican Repulgan Kevin Yoder called the legislation 'the dumbest damn act I have EVER DONE.'' After former State Sen. Wendy Davis helped secure the final two seats, Republican gubernatorial challenger Dan Walker and Republican State Rep. Trey Martinez all fell short, with Democrats sweeping their ballot in places and flipping them from Republican to their opponents.

I have been one long observer of the privatization that continues with Republican officials from.



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